Sunday 28 July 2013

Using quadratic theory in CSI work

This is an interesting article to talk about the use of quadratic graphs:

About how Physics provided the evidence to convict Gordon Wood of the murder of his girlfriend, model Caroline Byrne. Based on experimental data, the parabola that the body would have moved into cannot possibly land at the spot where she was found - she lacks the strength.

Monday 15 July 2013

How do you count the number of people in a crowd?

I came across an interesting article in BBC news this morning. The link is here. The issue circling it was an insignificant one which most would not batter an eyelid. But when one is tasked to provide a 'reasonable' estimate of the size of the crowd that turned up at the protest site, how would one do it? This may be an interesting question to explore.

Monday 1 July 2013

Is the essay 'Math-y' enough?

  • How much Mathematics is considered sufficient in a Math IA essay?
There is no standard reference as to what constitutes 'sufficient' in a Mathematics essay. It is an issue of how much Mathematics one can understand and grasp within the timeframe and develop an essay. In a way, this is one of the alternative assessment modes in mathematics to ascertain your ability to cope with the 'unknown' and 'untaught' domains of mathematics.
  • Do I need to 'invent' my own processes or come up with my own solution in the topics explored?
There is no expectation that your essay will contain original research or work. However, there is no stopping anyone from attempting to do so, as any mathematics teacher will welcome the valiant attempts of a student in coming up with a creative approach in solving a problem.
  • My topic has a fair amount of literature and contains several approaches. Can I evaluate a few approaches and come up with my personal comments and conclusion?
Yes, you can. Do cite the necessary references. However, do note that your evaluation and analysis of the approaches will be important in deciding whether you understand and grasp the mathematics in the topic. You can consider giving your own examples to show your understanding and application of the ideas.