Saturday 29 June 2013

Creation of this blog

Dear all,

In creating this blog, I have many aims in mind, some personal and some for my students. First of all, the blog aims to share some of my thoughts and views on the Math IA during the process of supervision. In addition, I believe strongly that putting ideas into words is a clarifying process. It would enable me to think through these ideas in as much as I wish that the process of writing Mathematics would clarify your impressions and understanding of the Mathematics that you have been learning in the last decade or so.

Furthermore, I have made a conscious decision to blur the lines between a Math HL, SL and MS IA as the process of supervision is a similar one. Thus, the comments that I share here would apply to all in most cases.

Lastly, I am hoping that many of you will comment actively as you share your concerns and queries in this blog. This will create a more vibrant learning atmosphere and lead to a higher quality of essays being created by everyone in this community.

Alvin Soon
30 June 2013

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting article!!
    I'd like to comment that MYP and IB (HL,SL,Math Studies) students may find helpful the IB math forum at IB maths 4u
